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Over the course of two days in August 2020 news spread far and wide in Asia that Japanese researches found the using Ozone helps to neutralise the coronavirus.

According to the Japanese researchers low concentrations of ozone can neutralise coronavirus particles, potentially providing a way for hospitals to disinfect examination rooms and waiting areas.

Scientist at the Fujita Health University did an experiment through using an ozone generator in a sealed chamber with a sample of coronavirus. They found that the potency of the virus declined by more than 90% when subjected to low level ozone for 10 hours. According to these researchers the virus could be killed through using ozone gas in concentrations of 0.05 to 0.1 parts per million (ppm) and these levels are considered harmless to humans.

“We found it to be particularly effective in high-humidity conditions.”

Takayuki Murata, LEAD RESEARCHER

Another study did at Georgia Institute of Technology showed that ozone may be effective in disinfecting gowns, goggles and other medical protective equipment.



  • AirProVladan Whether it’s a weekend road-trip or stay at the lake house, remember to follow some of these energy-saving tips to avoid unnecessary expenses while you’re away.
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